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WANTED: WordPress Speed & Optimization Expert with High-Level Sys Admin Skills


You are…

Young, hungry, full of piss-‘n-vinegar.

Ready to make a dent in the universe and some good money in the process.

A true “A Player” looking to join an exciting and passionate team that’s on a mission to make small business hosting great again.

You’re a ninja.

Not a real ninja but a figurative ninja when it comes to WordPress and hosting.

(On second thought, you can be a real ninja on nights and weekends – that’s your business, and would actually be pretty sweet).

You possess an intimate understanding of site speed.

You can optimize the heck out of a WordPress site using things like caching plugins, image compression, sprites, deferred loading of scripts, etc.

You also have experience with security (WordFence, Sucuri, VirusDie, etc)

Basically, you rock at WordPress.

But you don’t stop rocking there…

Additionally, you really know your way around various hosting environments.

You can deploy and configure a Digital Ocean droplet in your sleep.

You speak to your friends in SSH commands.

You’re a sys admin masquerading as a WordPress expert.

Or maybe it’s the other way around…

In any case, you’re equally comfortable on the server side as you are on the application side, and you know how to make the two play nice together.

If the idea of “disrupting” a market excites you keep reading…


We are the crazy, fun, talented and hardworking team at SpeedKills.io.

We are a boostrapped startup run by serial entrepreneur Vic Dorfman (Google me 🙂 and designer/entrepreneur Lesly Garreau (Google him too).

We are a REAL company incorporated in Hong Kong.

And we’ve been profitable from day one (cha-ching!)

We provide insanely fast WordPress hosting for small businesses and entrepreneurs that is 100% managed-for-you.

Think: “Hosting as a service”.

We move fast, we make bold moves, we work hard, we have fun.

And while it’s not 100% required, we’d love our next team member to join us and work alongside us here in beautiful Thailand (chiang mai – bangkok – phuket on an alternating schedule).

Our business is unique, our marketing approach fresh and forward-thinking, and all of our customers absolutely love our product.

While we like to have fun, work out, go out for beers, take day trips, etc., we take business seriously.

If you’re afraid of hard work you can stop reading now.


Our business culture is libertarian; laissez-faire.

Do what you want, how you want, when you want – but deliver the goodies.

You want to smoke a doobie at work? Go right ahead, but deliver results.

Work only 1 hour per day? Cool but bring the results.

You’re a degenerate gambler with a hooker addiction? Suum cuique, but deliver the dang results.

If you don’t get results and you come with bullshit excuses, we’re not the company for you.

We can smell excuse makers and B-players from a mile away so don’t even THINK about trying to fool us…

We’re in the results business because that’s what our customers pay us for, and that’s the only thing that counts.


Because we’re a bootstrapped startup you have the unique opportunity get some potential equity.

I say potential because equity isn’t issued until a company is well beyond revenue breakeven.

We use a system of equity allocation and recovery called Slicing Pie (look it up) and the idea is that everybody gets the piece of the pie that they deserved.

P.I.E. = Promise to Issue Equity (if and when a company distributes profits and/or the proceeds of a sale).

So – you have three options :

1. Take a straight salary (no pie)

2. Take pie but no salary (as our partner Lesly has chosen)

3. Take a combination of a livable wage and pie.

This is probably the most practical option because it would give you enough money to live reasonably well while also allowing you to “bet” on the success of the startup while also putting skin in the game to ensure that success (because PIE converts to equity with a MULTIPLIER that essentially means you get more out than you put in).


We WILL ask you for references from past employers and colleagues.

We WILL contact those references.

We WILL test you for competency.

We WILL go through several rounds of Skype calls, interviews, etc.

And if you’re the kind of spunky individual we’re looking for you will NOT be worried about any of that because you know you’re a baller and that’s all there is to it. 🙂

So if you’re ready to come do big things with us here in Thailand (or remotely if you wish…) let’s have a chat.

Click here to apply: https://goo.gl/forms/ralQplROsrPlP3gt2

Copyright 2016 SpeedKills.io LLC. All Rights Reserved.