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Security tighter than alcatraz

Proactive Weekly WordPress Updates

Though we provide free malware removal, we’ve never had a case of malware to date. One big reason for that is that we proactively update your WordPress plugins, themes and WP version every week, which shuts so called “backdoors” that hackers use to gain access to your website.

CloudFlare on All Domains

CloudFlare is a leading security provider the helps protect your site from various threats such as Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. We take security seriously and so we install CloudFlare on all domains.

Security Patching

We constantly update our servers with the latest patches to keep our infrastructure safe, secure and on the cutting edge.

Daily Restore Points

We keep daily server-side backups of all your site files and databases. We can revert to restore points going back several weeks, and we can rollback the restoration process as well.

Unlimited Malware Removal

Other hosts shut down your entire account if they even suspect malware (which is detected by an algorithm and produces tons of false positives). They then proceed to charge you several hundred dollars to even diagnose the problem. We think that’s total B.S. So if you have malware on your site, we will remove it, future-proof your site and it won’t cost you a dime

Free SSL Certificates For ALL Your Sites

Other hosts charge about $100/year for an SSL certificate per domain. We give ’em to you for free.

Sophisticated Firewall Technology

We actively monitor our servers and protect them with elegant firewall technology to make sure your data is highly secure.

sFTP Access to Your Server

We only upload files via secure sFTP and SSH protocols.

Autoban Malicious IP Addresses

We automatically ban IP addresses that negatively impact your server’s performance. However, we’re able to whitelist IPs for you if need be.

Blazing fast page speeds

Local Server Deployment

We custom-deploy your server in the geo-region where the majority of your traffic/buyers comes from for maximum speeds. We do this by looking at your Google Analytics and having a chat with you to make sure there’s no discrepancy between visitor traffic and buyer traffic locations.

CDN for Lightning Fast Load Times Internationally

Even though we deploy your server locally based on your most active traffic segment, we don’t neglect site speed for your visitors abroad. We use an optional CDN (Content Delivery Network) to ensure your site loads quickly in all geographies. Please note this feature is a paid add-on to our core service.

Over 2 Dozen International Data Centers

We boast over 2 dozen data centers worldwide to keep latency low and speeds high.

SSD Storage Technology

In most cases we’re able to reduce load time by over 2x. This is in large part due to our use of SSD storage technology which significantly improves read/write request speeds on our infrastructure.

ThunderStack Powered Servers

We propel our servers into the speed stratosphere in part by our use of ThunderStack(tm) technology. You don’t necessarily need to know what this is so long as you know that it makes your website a lot faster!

Latest PHP Versioning

While most folks are stuck with PHP 4/5.6, we’re busy deploying PHP 7 on all of our servers, which results in performance improvements. This is all the more critical as WordPress is heavily PHP based.

HTTP/2 Technology

SSL certificates are necessary to protect your visitor’s sensitive data but traditionally they slow your site down. Not anymore! We’ve rolled out HTTP/2 technology on all of our servers to make sure there is NO compromise between speed and security when using an SSL certificate.

Custom Optimization For All New Customers

We’re not cool with just putting you on the best servers and then sitting back and collecting a paycheck. Not only do we proactively improve/upgrade your hosting stack, we also custom-optimize each and every new customer we sign to make sure you have the fastest damn website possible. This takes between 5-10 hours to do and would normally cost you hundreds of dollars. Your price when you sign up? Free.


The PHP-FPM module is a new way of using PHP on a server. Most sites still run the mod_php module which is up to 300% slower. We prefer to be 300% faster so we roll out PHP-FPM on all of our servers.

Basically, we’re hosting for grown ups

No Limit on Server Resources

No more funky errors due to insufficient server resources, stupid file size upload limits, or other restrictions that make you feel like a child. We’re all grownups here and grownups need their space. How much space? How’s unlimited sound?

Vertical Scaling That Grows With You

We dynamically scale your server resources well before it approaches server limits to ensure you never wind up with weird errors due to insufficient disk, memory, etc.

Pick a Shared or Dedicated Server

Contrary to popular belief there’s nothing wrong with a shared server so long as your hosting company intelligently groups certain types of websites together on servers with similar configurations. But if you don’t feel like sharing and want your own dedicated server, you got it. Please note that there is an additional charge for this.

Perfect for Membership Sites

We are membership site experts and we know exactly how to configure your server for a WordPress membership site to run fast and without any weird errors. Our founder, Vic Dorfman, is considered the membership site expert and personally configures all membership site customers.

Granular Control of Caching Layers

One of the main issues with other “managed” WordPress hosting solutions is that they aggressively cache your website using “blended” caching that doesn’t give you control over each individual caching layer. These same hosts then only give you a small handful of caching exceptions. The result is that many technologies which conflict with caching are rendered unusable and you have to essentially switch hosts. We control each caching layer individually so if a conflict arises we’re able to turn off one caching layer without losing the speed boost of the other layers that don’t contribute to the conflict.

Ultra-High Deliverability SMTP Email Accounts

It’s vital that your email get delivered from your server. Otherwise you’ll have a ton of “lost password” support requests on your hands. This is especially true for membership sites or any site that sends out communications from within WordPress. We give our customers high-deliverability SMTP email accounts for all of their domains at no additional cost. Do you love us yet?

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